Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sakura wing Tshirts

Yes i have been a busy bee, what i present to you is sakura wing Tshirts. As you could probably tell by now [or perhaps not] i love CCS, and semi inspired by Tomoyo's crazy outfits [and kinda wanting to be a card captor in a way] i created these shirts!
I have 2 styles one for the sweet girls with ribbon detail at the front that can be worn multiple ways and the other for the rebels with military epaulets and a metal zip at the front.
The first picture is of the sleeve epaulet detail and the second of the wing detail on the back.
I didn't put any of the ribbon detail in as there are a few ways of wearing it and you know me and my photo taking skills ^^; I will display it though at Smash! So if you want to know how else you can wear the Tshirt let me know and I'll will most happily give you a demo.
The part i found most difficult was actually sourcing the Tshirts for you guys, have quality Ts and still not be to expensive [i don't want to have to charge you crazy amounts] but i did it. I raided almost every cotton on store and got quality Tshirts for the basis.
Base: Cotton on T shirts
Sizes: S, M, L [i only have a few in each size in each style so if you really want one please be early!]
Designs: 2 types, sweet/ rock