Sunday, August 9, 2009

No words can express!

Firstly i just wanna say everyone....

!!!!!!!!!! THANK YOU !!!!!!!!!!

That didn't go quite to plan, but yeah you get the gist.

Thanks to all the lovely people who stopped buy and said hi and commented on my things, there was so much love!

Thanks also to all the other stall peeps, you guys are all SO SUPER TALENTED!!!! I am so glad to have met you all!

As you all know yesterday was my first time selling my creations anywhere, and i was pretty nervous actually doing it, but you guys all made it worth while!

I had such an awesome day!!!!!!!

So if you're going again today HAVE FUN!!!!


I'm going to try and track down the stall peoples down but if you have a blog or something I'll try and put up a friend list k?


P.S There was an issue with comments but not anymore... yay!

Friday, August 7, 2009

1 More sleep to GO!!!!!

SOOOOOO excited everyone! one more sleep till SMASH!!!!!!

I'm trying to tweak things, figure out prices, print labels and tags and whatevers that need to be printed, fix my uniform for tomorrow [yes, it is a uniform not a costume] and am still wanting to make a few more things to sell!

Oh dear....


Sunday, July 26, 2009

Sakura wing Tshirts

Yes i have been a busy bee, what i present to you is sakura wing Tshirts. As you could probably tell by now [or perhaps not] i love CCS, and semi inspired by Tomoyo's crazy outfits [and kinda wanting to be a card captor in a way] i created these shirts!
I have 2 styles one for the sweet girls with ribbon detail at the front that can be worn multiple ways and the other for the rebels with military epaulets and a metal zip at the front.
The first picture is of the sleeve epaulet detail and the second of the wing detail on the back.
I didn't put any of the ribbon detail in as there are a few ways of wearing it and you know me and my photo taking skills ^^; I will display it though at Smash! So if you want to know how else you can wear the Tshirt let me know and I'll will most happily give you a demo.
The part i found most difficult was actually sourcing the Tshirts for you guys, have quality Ts and still not be to expensive [i don't want to have to charge you crazy amounts] but i did it. I raided almost every cotton on store and got quality Tshirts for the basis.
Base: Cotton on T shirts
Sizes: S, M, L [i only have a few in each size in each style so if you really want one please be early!]
Designs: 2 types, sweet/ rock

Charm velvet pouch

As you can all see here i have made a different version of the pink velvet pouches, these red pouches still have the sakura wing stitched into it but also has a metal bee charm as well as a yellow jewel heart. [They can mean whatever you want them to ^^].
The draw string ribbon has a foil bead as well as being ended by two metal beads with the 'star dusted' finish.
Its a pity that you cant actually feel how luxurious this velvet is, it is seriously top quality. Come and find my stall and feel for yourself the fabric of the royals!